5 Best Productivity Apps For Smartphones

<p>Smartphones are meant to increase the amount of work users can get while they have the time, which is why it is a great idea to download some of the <strong>best productivity apps for smartphones</strong>. The apps can help you multitask and use your spare time constructively, all while freeing up time for you to relax.</p> <ol> <li>Ocado: One of the better productivity enhancing apps available in the market, Ocado has plenty of practical use for customers. It is a simple way to maintain a shopping list and budget, wherein you can book everything you need from a nearby supermarket while traveling, during spare time or simply waiting in a long line. This is a great pick from the list of <strong>best productivity apps for smartphones</strong>.</li> <li>Instapaper: Surfing the web for articles and useful content is a great way to pass the spare time but reading them takes up time that many don't have. Instead, you can simply use Instapaper to save the links you like and then open them up whenever you have the time to read them. You also get the articles in a simpler format which makes them quicker to sift through as well.</li> <li>Evernote: It has fast become the most loved note-taking app all over the smartphone platform, and for a very good reason. It allows you to make text notes like many other apps, but you can also take photo note or an audio note, which makes things pretty convenient. It can be linked to your browser or desktop app as well, so that you never have to scramble around for notes.</li> <li>Dropbox: If you have too many image, audio or document files on your phone and need a place to keep them for a while, the Dropbox app does a great job of uploading these to a cloud server. You can then access these files from other computers or the way around as well. Simple and effective, this is sure thing for <strong>best productivity apps for smartphones</strong>.</li> <li>Advanced Task Killer: One of the biggest battery drains in a smartphone is when you have apps running in the background without you noticing them. These take up memory and make the phone work slower than usual. Instead of having to open application settings each time to shut them down one by one, use this app to kill them all at one go, freeing up memory and saving battery. Simply put, a must have <strong>best productivity apps for smartphones</strong>.</li> </ol>